From 4 Vents we carry out several projects to foster the relationship between the entities that make it up and to strengthen what unites us: language, culture, scouting and guiding.

One of our biannual projects is the MEETINGS OF HEADS, days of coexistence for the kraal of the different entities in which we enjoy workshops, games, talks, discoveries and dynamics as participants, without worries or responsibilities. In addition, these meetings consolidate one of the project’s objectives: to create a network between scouts and guides in the Catalan-speaking territories.

Meeting each other in an experiential way is the key ingredient to enrich the educational work that Scouters do in our day-to-day life in the group: it will allow us to create personal and institutional relationships, discover the natural environment and social, and learn to experience scouting and guiding from a much wider perspective.

These meetings are organized every two years in one of the territories that are part of the project and in 2025 we are organizing it in Majorca For logistical reasons, we have not met in this territory for years, and that is why we are very happy to present you the BULLANGUERA 2025, the most anticipated meeting of Heads! Do you join?

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