Educate in Values.

In this section you can find schematically the proposal to educate in Values ​​and its application when carrying out the Grouping Educational Project.

Education in specific values ​​must be our main task within scouting , since education in them enables, facilitates and greatly favors the conquest of personal autonomy, key to the development of critical, deep personalities and commitments to social action and life in society. That young people know how to perform techniques or acquire certain cognitive-conceptual content, if important, is not essential. The essential thing, what is at the base of the Scouts’ educational proposal , is that children and young people develop as free, respectful, committed, supportive, fulfilled and happy people.

The values ​​in which the FEV wants to educate are made explicit in the FEV Charter and in the FEV person model. Ultimately and already at an operational level, the Youth Program, through the educational objectives of the different educational lines of each relationship, specifies and defines explicitly or implicitly the values ​​in which we want to educate. Taking everything as a basis, we have defined nine values ​​that synthesize the FEV’s educational proposal. In these nine values, we wanted to include all the values ​​that emerge from the FEV Charter and the person model, and even other related values ​​that do not appear quoted as such in the documents. The nine values ​​of our proposal are:

DIALOGUE Willingness to count on the other, to help us grow and live. Willingness to reach agreements, open meeting spaces, resolve conflicts between people and defend the right of each person to speak and be heard.
COMMITMENT Ability to adhere to a cause, group, motive, struggle, ideal… ability to give our time, effort and conviction in this adhesion, and to live it as a generous and unrelinquished delivery.
FREEDOM Ability to act without coercion, opting for a fulfilling life path. Maintain the possibility of taking, with maturity, the minority alternative. Generate an own criterion that makes it possible to achieve greater levels of freedom.
HONESTY Recognize yourself authentically, know who you are. Be honest and transparent with others and with ourselves. Be able to bring coherence from thoughts to deeds.
SPIRITUALITY Possess and develop a transcendent dimension, bringing meaning to your life. The spiritual dimension of the human being constitutes the essential dimension, because it is the one that gives meaning to the existence of each of us.
RESPECT To see in others human beings as worthy of living and developing as we are. Knowing, valuing, being interested, wanting to understand the other… we cannot respect what we do not know or what we do not value in some way.
UNCERTAINTY The eagerness to discover, the ability to be surprised and amazed, the perennial feeling of having something new to learn. The will to want to develop more and better one’s abilities.
JUSTICE To be able to be outraged at the violations of the most elementary rights of millions of human beings. Decide to be agents of change, become aware and take small steps..
AUSTERITY Vital attitude that leads us to reject the consumption and use of what is unnecessary for life. A conception that implies the need to establish limits, defending the motto “enough is better”.

The Group Educational Project is the document that puts in writing the pedagogical work we develop during the round. It must be dynamic, with continuous monitoring and enrichment. With this proposal we intend to provide a schematic for its realization. The proposed steps for its preparation are the following:

1.- The kraal meets and performs an analysis of reality. You can reinforce this analysis of reality with reference to values, the FEV chart and the person model.

2.- Faced with the deficiencies detected in the analysis of reality, an objective is prioritized for each value, for each branch. In the scheme there is a row of the color of each branch to include the target chosen by value and by branch. This step is carried out by the entire kraal as a whole, since the distribution of educators by branches has not yet been carried out. The proposed objectives can be found in the publication. In the prioritization of objectives there is a purple row, so that the kraal and/or the committee can set their own objectives.

3.- From here, four work schedules are developed, differentiated by who carries them out, and at what time:

Line 4.- Educational Program of the Branch: Once the distribution of educators has been carried out, and the kraal of the branch has had contact with the young people, it carries out a more conscientious and personal analysis of the young people. Faced with this, more specific goals can be set for personal and community progression.

Line 5.- Educational community: the entire kraal assesses what stage and level of commitment each educator is at, and the educational organization by branches, that is, the distribution of educators. There is a row in purple, in case there are educators without branch or support.

Line 6.- Participation and environment: the kraal together with the grouping committee organizes how to participate and get involved in the nearby environment. For this we will assess: internal participation (where, when, who and how you participate) and external participation (where, who, when and how you participate). Internal participation is that which is obligatory for us because of our own identity. External participation is what we can choose to do to help us achieve our educational goals.

Line 7.- Management: The grouping committee together with a representative of the kraal, structure the aspects and tasks implicit in the organizational life of the Scout grouping. They see which actions need to be carried out, prioritize them, organize their development, divide them into commissions and schedule them. All these lines, once organized, have a monitoring and evaluation process, which we will carry out continuously to improve the educational project.

As support for this proposal, the following scheme can be used, which aims to be a visual reinforcement for the realization of the PEA:


Allowing a visualization of the phases and of each branch, as it can be seen in the rows of the color of the branch, the objectives and the kraal of the branch. After the final evaluation, we will take it into account for the analysis of the reality of the next PEA so that the pedagogical work is continuous and progressive.