Be simple Luerna but be Light

The School of all FEV volunteers.

A space to train, meet, share, grow and, with a critical eye, work and enjoy a listening way of life.

Are you thinking of training?

And you have a question, right?

Get in touch with us though, I’m sure we can help you with this.

Training calendar for this round

Take out a notebook and pen to write down the formations for this 2023 – 2024

3rd term

April – May – June

Summer camp is coming and that’s for sure.
Then we spend the whole day in the toilet.

2nd Quarter

January – February – March

Knowing first aid would have saved us more than once.

3rd term

April – May – June

  • Mountain Safety Conference (FEMECV)
  • 2nd Online Food and Water Handling Course (Lluerna)

Summer camp is coming and that’s for sure.
Then we spend the whole day in the toilet.


Next we introduce you to our cloister!


In addition, the Escola Lluerna is not just about providing training, within the same school there are several teams that are the internal gear that helps us make everything work, so we also present them with their functions.

We leave you here the latest news from Lluerna


Course FRI – MAT 23/24

La gira de festivals del MAT de la Ronda 23-24 ens va deixar imatges i records mooolt xulos, com els del curs de Vida a la Natura! -> Mira-ho tot

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Frequently Asked Questions


Escola Lluerna offers integrated training that meets the educational quality promoted by the FEV and the qualification needs of the groups. The training itinerary offers quality pedagogical and listening training, through the different training blocks. The execution and completion of the evaluation of the same will give you the opportunity to receive the official degrees issued by the competent authority in our autonomous community, the Valencian Institute of Youth (VAT), as Monitors or Directors of Educational Free Time Activities for Children and Youth to carry out your activities as scout volunteers.


The course consists of 310 training hours, of which 150 are theoretical and 160 practical. The training within the course is divided into 4 blocks:

Block 1 – 30h. Block 2 – 8pm. Block 3 – 50h. Block 4 – 8pm. Block 5 – 135h.
Basic initial training – FIB Education for health and inclusion – EPSI Branches (Beavers, wolves, explorers, pioneers and companions) Life in nature Internships

As its title indicates, in this course we will see the basic concepts and content to begin the adventure of being a monitor of children’s and youth’s free time activities.
It coincides that the educators who are trained in our school are scouts, and therefore also trained in this course in aspects such as the structure of the FEV, the relationship with the educators…

In this course we will learn to convey and raise awareness of the importance of life in nature as a pedagogical foundation. We will see camping techniques, route design, valuing the didactic aspect and how to develop activities and the functioning of camping in a sustainable way.

In this course we will work on an overview of the diversity of people and social groups in order to propose free time activities in line with them.
We will learn to develop educational intervention techniques depending on the individual and group diversity present. We will see and develop techniques, group dynamics and children’s and youth free time activities appropriate to the children’s needs. We will also touch on some of the most important aspects of healthy lifestyle habits.

It is the key course, in which all the important aspects to work life in the chosen branch with children and young people are shown. It is in this course that you learn evolutionary psychology according to age and experience first-hand the realization of the branch’s educational project and all that this entails.


The course consists of 320 training hours, of which 200 are theoretical and 120 practical. The training within the course is divided into 6 blocks:

Block 1- 8 p.m. Block 2 – 40h. Block 3 – 40h. Block 4 – 3pm. Block 5 – 8pm. Block 6 – 120h.
Group and camp management PEA and securities Kraal and leadership communication Social Change and Associative Participation practices

In this course you will learn how to manage a scout group and everything involved in the preparation of the camp (permits, licences, camping areas…)

The PEA is the basis of scout groups, so we have to learn how to make a PEA and experience it so that we can then apply it to the groups. This course is a basic tool.

This course provides facilities for everything related to communication. A view is given from the most general to the most specific. On the one hand, the image of scouting as a movement is made visible, through the image that educators transmit to families. Tools on how to act in crisis situations and contact with social networks are also shown.

The grouping is based on educators who must work together. Maybe some know each other and others don’t, so in this course you have the possibility to learn to work in a team, to have tools, techniques…different alternatives to solve different conflicts. In this course, you will also learn about the PDA, a fundamental tool for caring for kraals.

This course helps to give an overview of associationism and volunteerism, seeing Scouting as a movement for change.

The current legislation, DECREE 86/2015, of June 5 , of the Council, by which Law 18/2010, of December 30, of the Generalitat, on Youth of the Valencian Community (DOCV no. 7542, of June 8, 2015), at his Appendix II. Qualifications equivalent to those required for animation teams of free time activities, specifies that:

1. For the purposes of the activities regulated in title II of this decree, they will be equivalent to the diplomas of director of children and youth educational free time activities (DAT):

  • The Youth Animator Diploma (
    (AJ1 and AJ issued by Lluerna until 2012) or the diplomas issued by the bodies responsible for youth in the autonomous communities that, whatever their denomination, qualify for the performance of the functions of management and coordination of children’s educational free time activities and juvenile.
  • Vocational training qualifications that fully include the professional qualification of management and coordination of educational free time activities for children and youth, from the National Catalog of Professional Qualifications. ( TASOC and other higher level Professional Training courses)
  • The Certificate of Professionalism in the Management and Coordination of Children and Youth Educational Free Time Activities, which includes the qualification for management and coordination of children and youth educational free time activities from the National Catalog of Professional Qualifications, issued by competent bodies. (Certificates awarded by SEPE/Labora/Servef demonstrating years of professional experience).

2. For the purposes of the activities regulated in title II of this decree, they will be equivalent to the diplomas of monitor or monitor of educational free time activities for children and youth (MAT) :

  • The diplomas issued by the bodies responsible for youth in the autonomous communities that train them to carry out the functions of monitor of children’s and youth educational free time activities ( MTL and Facilitator offered by Lluerna until 2014) .
  • Vocational training qualifications that fully include the professional qualification for stimulating children’s and youth educational free time activities from the National Catalog of Professional Qualifications. (Some middle or higher education courses)
  • The certificate of professionalism for stimulating children’s and youth educational free time activities, which includes the qualification for stimulating children’s and youth educational free time activities from the National Catalog of Professional Qualifications, issued by the competent bodies. ( Certificates awarded by SEPE/Labora/Servef demonstrating years of professional experience).

The law does not propose the possibility of validating any old qualification or carrying out any kind of bridging course; in order to acquire the new degree it will be necessary to take the course.

These equivalences are subject to the validity of the regulations and may be revoked in subsequent legislation.

The trainer profile that the school is looking for is the following:


If you meet any of the requirements and want to be part of this project, the way to join is as follows:


We will register:

We welcome you to the Virtual Classroom of the Escola Lluerna

On this platform, the non-face-to-face training part corresponding to the training courses you are taking will be developed.

You can access through the following button with the user name and password provided by the technical secretary of the school:

If you have any other questions, contact us .