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Below you can find out about the current situation in Valencian scouting.
In addition to being the first to know about upcoming events.
We open the selection process – MEV Technical Secretary
We are opening a selection process for the technical secretariat of the MEV! Read the details of the offer carefully, you have all the terms and features well explained in
The News of Valencian Scouting.
We open the selection process – MEV Technical Secretary
We are opening a selection process for the technical secretariat of the MEV! Read the details of the offer carefully, you have all the terms and features well explained in
From 4 Vents we carry out several projects to foster the relationship between the entities that make it up and to strengthen what unites us: language, culture, scouting and guiding.
Course FRI – MAT 23/24
La gira de festivals del MAT de la Ronda 23-24 ens va deixar imatges i records mooolt xulos, com els del curs de Vida a la Natura! -> Mira-ho tot