Before accrediting your skills, know well how you can do it and what Reconoce is.
We’re sure you have more to credit than you think.
What is Recognize?
Reconoce is an online non-formal accreditation system for voluntary action. The project was born in 2014 with the aim of articulating a national network of organizations that promote the recognition of skills and abilities obtained through volunteering, to improve youth employability.
What are the advantages of accrediting your skills?
- The youth unemployment rate in volunteering is down to 23%, below the youth unemployment rate in Spain*
- There is 9% less unemployment among volunteers who can incorporate volunteer experiences into their resumes and interviews in the selection process.
Source: The situation of youth volunteering before employment: skills and employability. 2013.
How can you accredit the skills acquired in the Valencian Scouting Federation (FEV)
- Be a volunteer in a participation space: scout group, regional team, associative team, action teams, structural team, or management team of the FEV.
- Be registered in the CUDÚ, or have been.
Accreditation process in Recnoce:
0. Registration on the Reconoce platform.
1. Request by the volunteer through the Reconoce platform. The person will request the accreditation of the level of one or several skills in the catalog.
2. Evaluation by the RECONOCE evaluation team in the FEV.
3. Communication of the result of the requested accreditation.