On this page you will find information related to different aspects of FEV. The aim is to keep everyone updated in relation to the management of the entity.
From the Valencian Scouting Federation we understand that, as an organization with a clear vocation to serve the young society that we are, that receives public funds and from associates through member entities through quotas, transparency must always be present in our way of working, in consistency with the philosophy of work and good governance acquired.
For this reason, in this section you will be able to find all the information of general interest, both economic and FEV subsidies, accompanied by graphs and grids that illustrate and explain the budget execution and the people who represent its bodies of government and work spaces.
To facilitate locating the information, we have classified it by subject:
Institutional – Federation of Valencian Scouting
The Board of Directors is the body that directs and coordinates the activities of the Valencian Scouting Federation, and it is responsible for the execution of the agreements of the General Assembly and the ordinary management of the Council. It promotes coordination and communication between the different teams and assumes the management of the FEV and its representation when the Assembly is not in session.
The composition of the FEV Board of Directors 2022-2025 is the following, agreed at the Ordinary General Assembly, held on Sunday, October 2, 2022.
- President : Susanna Feliu Lloret
- Vice-president : Clara Devane Prósper
- Secretary : Arnau Folgado Arenas
- Treasurer : Miguel Cebolla Orquín
- Councillor : Salvador Palomares Bosch
- Head of Pedagogical Animation : Albert Santiago Sabater Talens
- Communication manager : Paula Lapeña Mompó
- Head of the “Escola Lluerna” Training School : Miriam Ibáñez Esplugues
- Action team manager : Ignacio Manuel González Juste
- Vocal Participation : Maria Arias Galiano
- Pedagogical manager of the training : Pablo Rubio Signs
- Vocalia 4 Vents : Angela Capdevila Bohigues
Team Alba
- Patrol “wolves” – Forum route
This team has the function of generating a proposal for the annual route forum, as well as monitoring its evolution and a continuous review and update.
- “Bull” Patrol – PdJ Review
This patrol aims to maintain a constant review of the federative proposal, researching new current concepts in pedagogy or analyzing implementation defects that may arise in order to generate proposals for correction and improvement that are approved by the assembly.
The CreEquip is the structural team of the FEV that is concerned with the promotion of the kraals and their proper functioning. We are a team of very nice people who are at your fingertips for whatever you need.
If you have any questions, you can contact creekip@scoutsfev.org
It is the Growth and Human Resources team, which is coordinated by its responsible person. It has two closely related lines of work. On the one hand, it provides the kraal with tools to prevent and plan for the lack of educators in the medium and long term, and on the other hand, it is responsible for raising awareness and sensitizing about the importance of caring and caring for educational people.
It is in charge of all aspects related to adult volunteers, with the main objective of promoting quality volunteering. It works for qualitative and quantitative growth, both in the field of grouping and FEV. It offers scout groups and the FEV a wide variety of resources and tools to work on and improve their growth.
Team Fe
Lluerna School
The current statutes of the Valencian Scouting Federation were approved in an Extraordinary Assembly on February 4, 2017. They were ratified by the Spanish Episcopal Conference on March 17, 2017.
old statutes
You can consult previous versions of the FEV statutes:
Complementary internal regulations
According to article 73 of the Internal Regime Regulations, the following documents have the character of internal regulations complementary to the Statutes and the Internal Regime Regulations:
Economic and budgetary – Federation of Valencian Scouting
Organization details – Federation of Valencian Scouting
People who are part of the entity: 6,295 people (updated in January 2024)
- Girls and young people: 5,030
- Volunteers: 1,265
Access to transparency information (FEV)
Solar Round 2020 /2021
Solar Round 2021 /2022
Solar Round 2022 /2023
Solar Round 2023 /2024
Valencian Institute of Youth (IVAJ) | €90,866.72 |
Ministry of Transparency, Social Responsibility, Participation and Cooperation | €27,000.00 |
Ministry of equality and inclusive policies (IRPF) | €33,043.37 |
Ministry of Education, Research, Culture and Sport | €5,722.73 |
Ministry of Equality and Inclusive Policies (Volunteering Promotion) | €15,000.00 |
TOTAL | €161,132.82 |
From the Valencian Scouting Federation we understand that, as an organization with a clear vocation to serve the young society that we are, that receives public funds and from associates through member entities through quotas, transparency must always be present in our way of working, in consistency with the philosophy of work and good governance acquired. For this reason, in this section you will be able to find all the information of general interest, both economic and FEV subsidies, accompanied by graphs and grids that illustrate and explain the budget execution and the people who represent its bodies of government and work spaces.
Institutional (SoC)
The Board of Directors is the body that directs and coordinates the activities of the Valencian Scouting Federation, and it is responsible for the execution of the agreements of the General Assembly and the ordinary management of the Council. It promotes coordination and communication between the different teams and assumes the management of the FEV and its representation when the Assembly is not in session.
Economic and budgetary (SdC)
Access to transparency information (SdC)
From the Scouts of Castelló msc we understand that, as an organization with a clear vocation to serve the young society that we are, that receives public funds and from associates through member entities through quotas, transparency must always be present in our way of working, in consistency with the philosophy of work and good governance acquired. For this reason, in this section you will be able to find all the information of general interest, both economic and on subsidies from the SDC, accompanied by graphs and grids that illustrate and explain the execution of the budget as well as the people who represent its bodies of government and work spaces.
Institutional (MEV)
The Board of Directors is the body that directs and coordinates the activities of the Valencian Scouting Federation, and it is responsible for the execution of the agreements of the General Assembly and the ordinary management of the Council. It promotes coordination and communication between the different teams and assumes the management of the FEV and its representation when the Assembly is not in session.
Last May 12, 2019, the FEV Assembly approved the final text of the RRI.
The Board of Directors is the body that directs and coordinates the activities of the Valencian Scouting Federation, and it is responsible for the execution of the agreements of the General Assembly and the ordinary management of the Council. It promotes coordination and communication between the different teams and assumes the management of the FEV and its representation when the Assembly is not in session.
Economic and budgetary (MEV)
The Board of Directors is the body that directs and coordinates the activities of the Valencian Scouting Federation, and it is responsible for the execution of the agreements of the General Assembly and the ordinary management of the Council. It promotes coordination and communication between the different teams and assumes the management of the FEV and its representation when the Assembly is not in session.
Internal Regime Regulation (RRI)
Councils and assemblies
Slides MEV Ordinary Assembly September 26
Call for MEV Ordinary Assembly September 26
Solar Round 2020/2021
Slides Council MEV May 24
MEV Ordinary Assembly call for September 20
MEV Extraordinary Assembly call December 13
MEV Council call 24 May
Minutes MEV Council March 7
MEV Council call March 7
Minutes of the MEV Ordinary Assembly of September 20
MEV Extraordinary Assembly Minutes December 13
MEV Council call for May 24
Minutes of the MEV Ordinary Assembly of September 22
Call for MEV Ordinary Assembly of December 15
Call for MEV Ordinary Assembly of September 22
Minutes of the MEV Ordinary Assembly of December 15
MEV Council Minutes of May 24
MEV Council Minutes of December 16
MEV Council Minutes of March 3
Minutes of the MEV Ordinary Assembly of September 23
MEV Council call for May 26
MEV Council call for December 16
MEV Council Minutes of May 26
Call for MEV Ordinary Assembly of September 23
MEV Extraordinary Assembly Minutes of September 23
MEV Council call for March 3
Invitation to the MEV Extraordinary Assembly of September 23
Exercise 2022
(voted at the MEV Assembly of September 26, 2021)
Budget 2022
Exercise 2021
(voted in the MEV Assembly of December 13, 2020)
Budget 2021
Exercise 2018
(voted at the MEV Assembly of September 1, 2017)
Budget 2018
Exercise 2017
(voted in the MEV Assembly of March 5, 2017)
Budget 2017
Budget execution 2017
Access to Transparency Information (MEV)
From the Scout Movement of Valencia we understand that, as an organization with a clear vocation to serve the young society that we are, which receives public funds and from associates through member entities through quotas, transparency must always be present in our way of working, in consistency with the philosophy of work and good governance acquired. For this reason, in this section you will be able to find all the information of general interest, both economic and MEV subsidies, accompanied by graphs and grids that illustrate and explain the execution of the budget as well as the people who represent its bodies of government and work spaces.
Institutional (SdA)
The Board of Directors is the body that directs and coordinates the activities of the Alicante Scouting Federation, and it is responsible for the execution of the agreements of the General Assembly and the ordinary management of the Council. It promotes coordination and communication between the different teams and assumes the management of the FEV and its representation when the Assembly is not in session.
Economic and budgetary (SdA)
Citizen service (SdA)
People who are part of the Entity: 2,194 people (2022)
- Total associates: 1.09
- Total volunteers: 165
- Total students: 932
Access to transparency information (SdA)
From the Alicante Scout we understand that, as an organization with a clear vocation to serve the young society that we are, that receives public funds and from associates through member entities through quotas, transparency must always be present in our way of working, in consistency with the philosophy of work and good governance acquired. For this reason, in this section you will be able to find all the information of general interest, both economic and on subsidies from the SDA, accompanied by graphs and grids that illustrate and explain the execution of the budget as well as the people who represent its bodies of government and work spaces.
About the law of transparency
What does the Transparency Law regulate?
The Law on Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance (LTBG) provides for what information public administrations must publish for the public to know, how they can request information from the administrations and what are the rules of Good Governance that must respect public officials.
Which entities are required to provide information?
All public administrations, public sector entities, constitutional bodies (including the House of His Majesty the King) and their equivalents at regional level, as well as public sector foundations, associations formed by public administrations or commercial companies with majority public participation, they are obliged to comply with the Transparency Law, that is to say, they must publish the information mentioned in the Law and, in addition, respond to requests for information submitted by citizens. Private entities such as political parties, trade unions, trade union organizations and other entities that receive public aid must also publish the information provided for in the Law. In the case of this Transparency Portal, in accordance with article 2, the most frequently requested information from the Valencian Scouting Federation is published.
What is the Transparency Portal of the Valencian Scouting Federation?
It is the platform through which you can access the information of the Valencian Scouting Federation. It will also contain the information that citizens request most frequently in exercising the right of access to public information.
What does this Portal contain?
The Portal, in accordance with the provisions of Law 19/2013, of December 9, on transparency, access to public information and good governance, aims to expand and strengthen the transparency of public activity, regulate and guarantee the right of access to information related to that activity and establish the obligations of good governance that must be fulfilled by public officials.